Commuter Pass – Suica and PASMO

Commuter Pass

Introducing Suica and PASMO

Like every other developed nation, Japan has a bustling public transport system; with its intricate network of railroads crisscrossing the cityscape and buses rumbling around the metro from stop to stop to stop. In this guide, we provide you step-by-step instructions on how to buy a Suica or PASMO commuter pass.

The two competing IC (integrated circuit) cards in Tokyo, the Suica (issued by JR EAST) and PASMO (everyone else), can be freely used on all train lines and IC compatible stores.

“Then, why do I need to know the difference?” you might be thinking. The answer is, while you can effectively use either to ride on trains and shop at stores, certain services like getting a refund and issuing a commuter pass will depend on the company managing the train lines and whether they use Suica or PASMO. This means that you can’t, for example, get a refund for a PASMO at JR EAST stations.

There are several ways to get your very own, brand new, shiny IC card:

  • You can buy both the normal pass and commuter pass from the みどりの窓口 (midori no madoguchi – ticket window) at major JR EAST stations.
  • You can buy both the normal pass and commuter pass from the 地下鉄定期券うりば (chikatetsu teikiken uriba – subway commuter pass counter) at Tokyo Metro stations.
  • And, of course, you can buy both the normal pass and commuter pass from the 券売機 (kenbaiki – ticket machines) inside stations.

For all of these, you can choose to buy one with or without a name, and a normal pass or a commuter pass.

*Please keep in mind that as PASMO is used by many operators, there may be slight differences in the application forms and displays when buying PASMO. The steps presented in this guide are for Tokyo Metro ticket windows and ticket machines.

*Update (Summer 2023) Due to a shortage in the production of IC chips, it is no longer possible to purchase regular named or unnamed PASMO or SUICA cards. For those who wish to buy a commuter pass, do not worry; These are still available from ticket windows and machines.

How to Buy at the Ticket Window

Suica Ticket Window

MySuica and 定期券

To buy a new MySuica or 定期券 (teikiken – commuter pass), or renew a 定期券, at the みどりの窓口, follow the steps below to complete the form, moving from top to bottom and left to right:

  1. Circle 新規 (shinki – new) to buy a new MySuica or new 定期券. Circle 継続 (keizoku – continuation) to renew your current 定期券.
  2. After that, circle MySuica (記名式) for MySuica. Circle 通勤 (tsūkin – work commute) for a 定期券.
  3. In Suica 希望 (Suica kibō), circle する (suru).
  4. In 支払方法 (shiharai hōhō – payment method), circle 現金 (genkin) for cash and クレジットカード (kurejitto kādo) for credit card.
  5. Circle 男 (otoko) for male and 女 (onna) for female.
  6. Write your name in katakana before 様 (sama), last name first, and separated by a comma.
  7. Write your age before 才 (sai).
  8. Under 生年月日 (seinengappi – birthday), circle 西暦 (seireki – Common Era) and write your birthday in this order: 年 (year), 月 (month), and 日 (day).
  9. In 電話番号 (denwabangō – telephone number), write your contact number.
    *If buying or renewing a 定期券 follow the additional step below.
  10. In 区間 (kukan – section), write your start and end stations. For example, 新宿駅 池袋駅間, or Shinjuku Station to Ikebukuro Station.
  11. In 使用開始及び有効期間 (shiyō kaishi oyobi yūkō kikan), indicate the start date of your pass. Circle 1, 3, or 6 箇月 (kagetsu – months) to indicate the validity period.
PASMO Ticket Window

記名PASMO (kimeiPASMO) and PASMO定期券 (PASMO teikiken)

To buy a new 記名PASMO or PASMO定期券, or renew a PASMO定期券, at the 地下鉄定期券うりば, follow these steps to complete the form – from top to bottom and left to right:

  1. In 購入 (kōnyū), circle 記名PASMO to buy a Personalized PASMO. Circle PASMO定期乗車券 (PASMO teiki jōshaken) to buy a new pass. Leave it blank if you’re renewing a current pass.
  2. In the top 種類 (shurui – type) box, circle おとな用 (otonayō – for adult).
  3. In オナマエ (onamae), write your name. Write your last name first and separated by a blank space.
  4. Under 生年月日 (seinengappi – birthday), circle 西暦 (seireki – Common Era) and write your birthday in this order: 年 (year), 月 (month), and 日 (day).
  5. In 電話番号 (denwabangō – telephone number), write your contact number.
  6. In 性別 (seibetsu), circle 男 (otoko) for male and 女 (onna) for female.
  7. Under 年齢 (nenrei), write your age. 才 (sai) means age.
  8. In チャージ (chāji), write the amount you want charged onto your PASMO.
    *If buying or renewing a PASMO定期券 follow the additional step below.
  9. In the bottom 種類 (shurui – type) box, circle 通勤 (tsūkin – work commute).
  10. In 区間 (kukan – section), write your start and end stations. For example, 新宿駅から (from Shinjuku station) and 池袋駅まで (to Ikebukuro Station).
  11. In 使用開始日 (shiyō kaishinichi), indicate the start date of your pass. Circle 1, 3, or 6 か月 (kagetsu – months) to indicate the validity period.
  12. In 区分 (kubun – classification), circle 新規 (shinki –new) to buy a new pass or 継続 (keizoku – continuation) to renew your current pass.
  13. In お支払方法 (oshiharai hōhō – payment method), circle 現金 (genkin) for cash and クレジットカード (kurejitto kādo) for credit card.

How to Buy from the Ticket Machine

無記名Suica カード (mukimeiSuicakādo) and 記名Suica カード (kimeiSuicakādo)

Suica Commuter Pass Machine
These machines also sell Suica定期券.

To buy a new 無記名Suica カード or 記名Suica カード from the 券売機 (kenbaiki), follow these steps:

  1. Press Suicaの購入 (Suica no kōnyū).
  2. Select 無記名Suica カード to buy a Blank Suica. Select 記名Suica カード to buy a Personalized Suica.
    *If buying a 無記名Suica カード, skip to step 10.
  3. The next page is the Privacy Policy, stating that the information you input is needed to confirm the application and reissue the card if you lose it. Select 同意する (dōisuru – agree) to continue the application.
  4. The first step is 個人情報入力 (kojin jōhō nyūryoku – input personal information). 姓 (sei) is your last name and 名 (mei) is your first name. If you need to change something, press 1文字訂正 (ichi moji teisei) to delete a character. When you’re done, press 確認 (kakunin – confirm). If you want to use English letters, press ABC…
  5. In 性別を選ぶ (seibestu o erabu), select 男性 (dansei) for male and 女性 (josei) for female.
  6. In 西暦か元号を選ぶ (seireki ka gengō o erabu), press 西暦 (seireki – Common Era).
  7. Under 生年月日を入力 (seinengappi o yūryoku), write your birthday in this order: 年 (year), 月 (month), and 日 (day).
  8. In 電話番号 (denwabangō – telephone number), write your contact number. Your mobile number will do.
  9. The next step is 内容確認 (naiyō kakunin). If all information is correct, press 確認. If not, press 訂正 (teisei – correct) next to the item you want to change.
  10. The last step is to select how much money you want to charge on your new Suica. Select the amount you want and proceed to payment. A ¥500 deposit is deducted from the amount you select.

Suica定期券 (Suica teikiken)

  1. Press 定期券.
  2. Select 新規購入 (shinki kōnyū – purchase new) to buy a new Suica 定期券. Select 継続購入 (keizoku kōnyū) to renew your current pass.
    *If renewing a Suica定期券, skip to step 4 then proceed to payment.
  3. Select 通勤定期券 (tsūkin teikiken – work commuter pass).
  4. On the next page, select 1, 3, or 6 ヶ月 (kagetsu – months) to indicate the validity period. Below that, select the start date of your pass.
  5. On the next page, select your start station. If it’s not in the choices, press その他の駅 (sono hoka no eki) to do a search. Station names will appear as you type. If you need to change something, press 1文字訂正 (ichi moji teisei) to delete a character.
  6. On the next page, select your preferred route on the left-hand side. Once you’ve found the one you want, press 表示している経路で決定 (hyōji shiteiru keiro de kettei).
  7. Select 新しくSuicaを発行する (atarashikuSuica o hakkō suru) to issue a new one. Select お手持ちのSuicaを利用する (otemochi no Suica o riyō suru) to change the route on your current pass.
  8. The next page is the Privacy Policy, stating that the information you input is needed to confirm the application and reissue the card if you lose it. Select 同意する to continue the application.
  9. On the next page, write your name. 姓 is your last name and 名 is your first name. If you need to change something, press 1文字訂正 to delete a character. When you’re done, press 確認. If you want to use English letters, press ABC…
  10. On the next page, you will fill in two items. In 性別を選ぶ, select 男性 for male and 女性 for female.
  11. In 西暦か元号を選ぶ, press 西暦 (seireki – Common Era).
  12. Under 生年月日を入力, write your birthday in this order: 年 (year), 月 (month), and 日 (day).
  13. In 電話番号, write your contact number. Your own mobile number will do.
  14. The next step is 内容確認. If all information is correct, press 確認. If not, press 訂正 next to the item you want to change.
  15. The last step is to select how much money you want to charge on your new Suica. Select the amount you want and proceed to payment. A ¥500 deposit is deducted from the amount you select.

無記名PASMO (mukimeiPASMO) or 記名PASMO (kimeiPASMO)

PASMO Commuter Pass Machine
These machines also sell PASMO定期券.

To buy a new 無記名PASMO or 記名PASMO from the 券売機 (kenbaiki), follow these steps:

  1. Press PASMO.
  2. Press 新しいPASMOの購入 (atarashiiPASMO no kōnyū – purchase new PASMO).
  3. Select 無記名PASMO to buy a Blank PASMO. Select 記名PASMO to buy a Personalized PASMO.
    *If you’re buying a 無記名PASMO, skip to step 12.
  4. On the next screen, there will be only one option. Press おとな (otona – adult) to continue.
  5. The next page is the Privacy Policy, stating that the information you input is needed to confirm the application and reissue the card if you lose it. Select 同意する (dōisuru – agree) to continue the application.
  6. The first step is 氏名入力 (shimei nyūryoku – input name). 姓 (sei) is your last name and 名 (mei) is your first name. If you need to change something, press 一字訂正 (ichiji teisei) to delete a character and 全て訂正 (subete teisei) to start over. When you’re done, press 入力完了 (nyūryoku kanryō – input complete). If you want to use English letters, press 英字 (eiji – English characters).
    *Please note that the placement for first name and last name are different when using 英字.
  7. In 性別入力 (seibestu nyūryoku – input gender), select 男性 (dansei) for male and 女性 (josei) for female.
  8. Under 生年月日入力 (seinengappi nyūryoku – input birthday), select 西暦 (seireki – Common Era) and write your birthday in this order: 年 (year), 月 (month), and 日 (day).
  9. In 電話番号入力 (denwabangō nyūryoku – input telephone number), write your contact number. Your mobile number will do.
  10. The last step is 内容確認 (naiyō kakunin – content confirmation). If all information is correct, press 確認 (kakunin – confirm). If not, press on the button next to the information you want to correct (e.g press 電話番号 to change it).
  11. On the next page, you are asked if your name can be confirmed with a photo ID. Press はい (hai – yes) to complete the application. Press いいえ (iie – no) to return to the previous page to change your name.
  12. The last step is to select how much money you want to charge on your new PASMO. Select the amount you want and proceed to payment. A ¥500 deposit is deducted from the amount you select.

PASMO定期券 (PASMO teikiken)

To buy or renew a PASMO定期券 from the 券売機 (kenbaiki), follow these steps:

  1. Press 定期券.
  2. Select 新規 (shinki – new) to buy a new pass and 継続 (keizoku – continuation) to renew your current pass.
    *If you’re renewing a PASMO定期券, skip to step 9 then proceed to payment.
  3. Select 新しいPASMO (atarashiiPASMO) to issue a new pass. Select お手持ちのPASMO (otemochi no PASMO) to change the route on your current pass.
  4. Press 通勤 (tsūkin – work commute).
  5. On the next screen, there will be only one option. Press 大人 (otona – adult) to continue.
  6. On the next screen, press 確認 (kakunin – confirm). This is just a caution to select a Ginza line station for transfers to the Hanzōmon line and select a Yūrakuchō line station for transfers to the Fukutoshin line.
  7. On the next page, select your start station. If it’s not in the choices, press 駅名からさがす (ekimei kara sagasu) to search by name and 路線からさがす (rosen kara sagasu) to search by train line. When searching by name, options will appear as you type, Select the correct one and choose a のりかえ駅 (norikaeeki – transfer station), if applicable.
  8. On the next page, review the routes and press 選択 (sentaku) to select the one you want.
  9. On the next page, select 1, 3, or 6 ヶ月 (kagetsu – months) to indicate the validity period. Then select the start date of your pass.
  10. If all information is correct, press 確認 to continue.
  11. The next page is the Privacy Policy, stating that the information you input is needed to confirm the application and reissue the card when lost. Select 同意する (dōisuru – agree) to continue the application.
  12. The first step is 氏名入力 (shimei nyūryoku – input name). 姓 (sei) is your last name and 名 (mei) is your first name. If you need to change something, press 一字訂正 (ichiji teisei) to delete a character and 全て訂正 (subete teisei) to start over. When you’re done, press 入力完了 (nyūryoku kanryō – input complete). If you want to use English letters, press 英字 (eiji – English characters).
    *Please note that the placement for first name and last name are different when using 英字.
  13. In 性別入力 (seibestu nyūryoku – input gender), select 男性 (dansei) for male and 女性 (josei) for female.
  14. Under 生年月日入力 (seinengappi nyūryoku – input birthday), select 西暦 (seireki – Common Era) and write your birthday in this order: 年 (year), 月 (month), and 日 (day).
  15. In 電話番号入力 (denwabangō nyūryoku – input telephone number), write your contact number. Your mobile number will do.
  16. The last step is 内容確認 (naiyō kakunin – content confirmation). If all information is correct, press 確認 (kakunin – confirm). If not, press on the button next to the information you want to correct (e.g press 電話番号 to change it).
  17. On the next page, you are asked if your name can be confirmed with a photo ID. Press はい (hai – yes) to complete the application. Press いいえ (iie – no) to return to the previous page to change your name.
  18. The last step is payment method. Select 現金 (genkin) for cash and クレジットカード (kurejitto kādo) for credit card. Select the one you want and proceed to payment.

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Featured photo by Lex Sirikiat on Unsplash

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