Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer News

True to our goal of helping the non-Japanese community live a well-adjusted and comfortable life in Tokyo, The Tokyo Life (TTL) is working with the international NGO Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) to broadcast volunteer opportunities in areas suffering the effects of natural disasters.

The population of non-Japanese people in Tokyo is still rather small. However, the call to action within that community still rings loudly and deeply in times of need. The want to help those who are in need lays bare the vulnerable human experience we all share. These joint efforts also create positive relationships between Japanese and non-Japanese residents.

PBV’s volunteer projects are obviously not exclusive to Tokyo. It therefore presents non-Japanese residents with a window into what life is like outside of the Tokyo area. Disaster relief efforts also help to foster better intercultural relations.

Keep in mind, however, that as a volunteer, your travel expenses will wholly be your own.

Keep in mind, also, that natural disasters create many hazards. For that reason, only individuals who have Volunteer InsuranceNatural Disaster Type (天災タイプ) may volunteer with Peace Boat Disaster Relief. The insurance policy takes effect the day after registering, so please do it in advance.

Call for Peace Boat Volunteers

Peace Boat Disaster Relief is currently looking for more volunteers for Iwaki, Fukushima between now and January 31, 2020.
*The PBV base will be closed from December 30th to January 2nd.

Click here for more information on how to apply and participate in the current project.
A ¥1,000 fee will be charged to those staying overnight.

Past Volunteer Projects

Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash.

Lyon has been living in Japan for almost three years now. He's deeply invested in all things Pokémon, Harry Potter, and Kingdom Hearts. He's typically reserved...until someone says 'karaoke'.

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