How to Read Your Japanese Payslip

How to Read Your Japanese Payslip
Disclaimer: Since official English terms and translations are rarely fixed or agreed upon across sources and documents and some may even overlap in translation, it is best to learn and use the Japanese terms when referring to each topic and to keep the English terms in mind simply for your own reference.

Your attendance (which obviously affects your salary) can be calculated in any number of ways depending on your job situation. One obvious example of this is in how part-time workers usually work on an hourly basis for an hourly wage, while full-time employees typically work a full week for a fixed rate. Another is whether your working days or hours are set or if there are a number of days or hours you need to fulfill for your full salary. There is also whether you are asked to come in on a day off to put in some more work. Suffice it to say, a Japanese payslip is foreign enough (pun intended) even without the language barrier.

In this guide, we will take you through common Japanese terminology that will (hopefully) help you understand your payslip. Keep in mind that while you can rely on some of these terms to be constant (e.g. insurance), others will differ between companies (e.g. 遅刻早退 vs 遅早時間).

If you want to know more about paid leave and holidays, check out this guide.
If you want to know more about social insurance, check out this guide.

To help you navigate the list of words below, click on the number of the section you want to view. This guide had been broken down into ten sections corresponding with the labels on the sample payslip below.
  1. attendance 勤怠・勤怠他
  2. tax table 税額表
  3. salary 支給
  4. deductions 控除
  5. others その他
  6. net salary 差引支給額
  7. transferred salary 振込支給額・銀行振込額
  8. cash payment 現金支給額
  9. salary in kind 現物支給額
  10. total cumulative salary, etc. 課税支給累計

Just as with any country, every Japanese company will have their own system and preferences when it comes to payslip terms. If there are any terms on your payslip that are not included here, we highly encourage you to consult your company’s accounting department.

Download the pdf version of our How to Read Your Japanese Payslip guide here.

Common Terminology in a Japanese Payslip

The following terms are related to your attendance (e.g. numbers of days and hours you worked for the month).

① Japanese (Kanji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
kintai ta
契約出勤日数keiyaku shukkin nissūnumber of contracted working days

(e.g. if your contracted working days are from Mon–Fri,
this will be the total number of days you worked from
Mon–Fri that month)
shotei shurō nissū・
shotei shurō jikan
fixed number of working days/hours
predetermined by the company

(e.g. teacher goes to x school on ___day every week);
salary is prorated
(i.e. (salary / 所定就労日数) * 出勤日数)
出勤日数shukkin nissūnumber of working days
出勤時間shukkin jikantotal work hours
(usually for part-time work, does not include lunch hour)
休出日数kyūshutsu nissūnumber of day-off working days
特休日数toku kyūjitsu sūnumber of special leave days

these are not legally required leaves but are instead
agreed upon with the company
(e.g. birthday leaves, sick leaves)
欠勤日数kekkin nissūnumber of days absent

any day off that is not yūkyū or any absence
in excess of yūkyū
有休日数yūkyūnumber of paid leave days

(paid leave entitlement depends on your working
conditions and length of employment with the
有休残日数yūkyū zan nissūnumber of remaining paid leave days
普通残業時間futsū zangyō jikanovertime
(after your company’s normal hours to 10:00 pm;
25% premium; also over the 40 legal work hours)
深夜残業時間shinya zangyō jikanlate-night overtime
(from 10:00pm to 5:00am; 25% premium)
休出残業時間kyūshutsu zangyō jikanday off work overtime
(holiday pay; when you work on a public holiday;
out of normal hours)
chikoku sōtai・
chisō jikan
tardiness and early time out
追加契約分tsuika keiyakubunadditional contracted work

The following terms are related to your income type and dependents.

② Japanese (Kanji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
税額表zeigakuhyōtax table
(i.e. how the National Tax Agency classifies your income)
甲欄kō ranthis means that this company is
your main source of income and does
the year-end adjustment on your behalf
扶養人数fuyō ninzūnumber of dependents

The following terms are related to your salary calculation.

③ Japanese (Kanji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
基本給kihonkyūbasic salary
職務給shokumukyūperformance-based pay
追加手当tsuika teateadditional pay
契約満了手当keiyaku manryō teatecontract completion bonus
非課税通勤費hikazei tsūkin hinon-taxable commute expenses
課税通勤費kazei tsūkin hitaxable commute expenses
欠勤控除kekkin kōjodeduction for absences
前月修正zengetsu shūseicorrection from the previous month
(e.g. over or underpayment from last month)
課税支給合計kazei shikyū gōkeitotal taxable salary
非税支給合計hizei shikyū gōkeitotal non-taxable salary
shikyū gōkei・
sō shikyū kingaku
total gross salary
労保対象合計rōho taishō gōkeitotal amount covered by labor insurance (total salary)
社保対象金銭shaho taishō kinsentotal amount covered by social insurance
(total salary + commute)
固定賃金合計kotei chingin gōkeitotal fixed wage
(total salary + commute)
合計gōkeitotal (gross salary)

The following terms are related to deductions reflected on your payslip such as employee’s health insurance and pension insurance and residence tax that Japanese companies subtract from your monthly salary.

④ Japanese (Kanji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
健康保険料kenkō hokenryōemployees’ health insurance*
介護保険料kaigo hokenryōnursing insurance**
(paid from 40 to 64 years old)

for long-term care due to old age
or certain illnesses (from 65 or earlier if you qualify)
厚生年金保険kōsei nenkin hokenemployees’ pension insurance*
厚生年金基金kōsei nenkin kikinemployee pension fund
(additional pension contribution)
雇用保険料koyō hokenunemployment insurance
(known as employment insurance)
社保料その他shahoryō sono hokaother insurance premiums
(for social insurance backpay)
社会保険料計shakai hokenryō keitotal social insurance premiums
所得税shotoku zeiincome tax / withholding tax
住民税jūminzeiresident tax
kōjo gōkei・
kōjo gōkeigaku
total deduction
社保控除後計shaho kōjogo keitotal salary after insurance
その他sono hokaothers
貸付金返済kashitsukekin hensailoan repayment
(i.e. loan from the company for
personal expenses; with interest)
仮払金karibaraikintemporary advance
(i.e. cash advance for work-related expenses;
e.g. shinkansen fare)
立替金その他tatekaekin sono hokaother advance payment
合計totaltotal (deductions)

*see our social insurance guide for more information on employees’ health insurance and pension insurance.
**age-related illnesses that qualify for nursing insurance

  1. Terminal cancer
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis
  3. Atrophic lateral sclerosis
  4. Posterior longitudinal ligament ossification
  5. Osteoporosis with fracture
  6. Dementia in old age
  7. Progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration and Parkinson’s disease
  8. Spinocerebellar degeneration
  9. Spinal canal stenosis
  10. Progeria
  11. Multiple system atrophy
  12. Diabetic neurosis, diabetic nephropathy, and diabetic omentum
  13. Cerebrovascular disease
  14. Arteriosclerosis obliterans
  15. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  16. Osteoarthritis (with significant deformation of both knees or hips)

The following terms are related to other amounts added to or subtracted from your salary.

⑤ Japanese (Kaji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
その他sono hokaothers
年末調整還付nenmatsu chōsei kanpuyear-end adjustment refund
(i.e. your total withholding tax payment was
above your actual income tax amount)
年末調整徴収nenmatsu chōsei chōshūyear-end adjustment levy
(i.e. your total withholding tax payment was
below your actual income tax amount)
その他合計sono hoka gōkeitotal (others)
合計totaltotal (others)

The following terms are related to your net salary.

⑥ Japanese (Kanji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
差引支給額sashihiki shikyūgakunet salary (i.e. salary – social insurance, etc.)

The following terms are related to payments made through bank transfer.

⑦ Japanese (Kanji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
furikomi shikyūgaku・
ginkō furikomigaku
transferred salary・transferred amount
合計totaltotal (transferred salary)

The following terms are related to payments made in cash.

⑧ Japanese (Kanji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
現金支給額genkin shikyūgakucash payment
(i.e. any part of your salary paid in cash)

The following terms are related to payments made in kind.

⑨ Japanese (Kanji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
現物支給額genbutsu shikyūgakusalary in kind
(salary = cost of the object; e.g. if the
company buys your commuter pass for you)

The following terms are related to cumulative calculations concerning your salary.

⑩Japanese (Kanji)Pronunciation (Romaji)English
課税支給累計kazei shikyū ruikeiyour total cumulative salary
(yearly; from Jan to Dec)
所得税累計shotokuzei ruikeiyour total cumulative income tax
(yearly; from Jan to Dec)
社会保険累計shakai hoken ruikeiyour total cumulative social insurance
(yearly; from Jan to Dec)

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Featured image by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

1 Comment

  1. Chris says:

    Thank you for the information

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